Informed Consent Release of Liability
To participate in: L'Étape Costa Rica by Tour de France, programs and related activities, hereinafter "the Event".
PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. It has legal consequences and will affect your legal rights, limiting or eliminating your ability to take future legal actions related to the event.
- Introduction
I understand and acknowledge that by electronically selecting the box below, "accepting" or signing a printed version of this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release of Liability Form ("Form" or "Form"), I am agreeing to be legally in accordance with the stipulations contained therein. I note that the group website may contain other terms and conditions applicable to the Event. By participating in the event I also acknowledge my acceptance and knowledge of the terms and conditions established on the website of the event and within the online registration system of the event made by chronotrack sports association or group roviro rv s.a. If another person has submitted my registration for the Event, I understand that that person is assumed to be my agent or representative ("legal") and that person has accepted on my behalf all the terms and conditions set forth in this Form, on the website of the Event and within the online registration system of the Event made by sports association chonotrack or group roviro rv s.a .
To participate in the Event, I acknowledge and accept the following: 2. Informed consent and risk acceptance.
The Event and other activities associated with the Event take place in or out of various locations and may include, but are not limited to: warm-up exercises; competitive running and walking, both in practice and in the Event; demonstration section or also known by its English term as demo-ing (testing); equipment; participation in clinics, training, demonstrations or other dynamics ("games") and activities, attendance at any activity and travel that may or may not be carried out on aircraft, vans, buses or other vehicles to and from activities (the Main Event and other activities will then be referred to as "activities" collectively). Activities can be scheduled or unscheduled, mandatory or optional, structured or unstructured and include free time. I acknowledge that the inherent risks and other risks and risks (collectively referred to in this form as "risks") of these activities may or may not cause injury, injury, death or other loss to the participant and/or other persons. These risks include but are not limited to those associated with: any competitive or athletic activity; the need for extreme fitness and endurance; an outdoor environment; decision making and the conduct of ORGANIZER staff, volunteers, contractors, co-participants or others; running, walking or other activities; the personal health and participation of the runner ("athlete" or "participant"), if the health conditions of the participant are disclosed or not disclosed, known or unknown; places or establishments; the team; and the conduct of the other runners ("athletes" "participants"), spectators and / or third parties.
I understand and accept:
- I must review all materials received and that are complete and agree with the accuracy and veracity of registration information, documents and processes in general, as well as obey all the rules and conditions of this agreement and the details of the event that may be on the website, the Regulations of the Event and all relevant traffic laws. Any breach on my part may result in my disqualification from the Event and/or my forced removal from the Event;
- That my final acceptance and participation in the Event depends on the ORGANIZER receiving and reviewing all required information and required forms, including this Agreement;
- I am fully able to participate in the Event without harming myself and/or others. In addition, I agree that I am physically fit, have sufficient training to participate in this Event and have not been warned otherwise by qualified medical personnel;
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of each individual in the Event including participants, volunteers and spectators; at all times I will act professionally and responsibly and maintain high standards with respect to my language and actions and will not discriminate against anyone for any reason but in particular based on sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, ability or performance;
- I understand that, before participating in any activity, I can inspect the course of the race, its facilities, equipment and areas to use, if I choose. I will immediately inform the ORGANIZER and/or an official of the Event, if I believe or am sure that the tour, facilities, equipment and/or areas to be used in the event are unsafe;
- I understand that the information provided in this agreement is not exhaustive, with respect to other activities unknown or that cannot be anticipated, inherent risks or other risks that may exist, and the ORGANIZER cannot ensure my safety or completely eliminate all risks. ORGANIZER representatives are available if I have more questions about the activity
- I understand that, each Event has its own route, as well as specific government permits and provisions, according to which, the Event cannot be lengthened excessively, after the expected completion time for the Event. For this reason, it is very possible that the Organizer will be forced to withdraw: the goal, assistance posts and support staff en route, with which I agree;
- Also, I understand that the award of medals, is for finalists, therefore, the single registration in the Event does not assure me that I will receive one, if I did not meet the set time, to travel the full route;
- I am voluntarily participating with knowledge of the risks. I therefore assume and accept full responsibility for myself ("my welfare"), for the inherent risks and other risks (known and unknown) of the activities and for any injury, injury, death or other loss that I may suffer, as a result of inherent risks and other unforeseen, including but not limited to my own risk, from another participant ("athlete" "runner"), from a third party, from a bystander, from a volunteer and/or from a passive or active negligence of a third party ("attendee to the event or activities") or other misconduct.
3. Release of Liability and Compensation.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. THIS DISCLAIMER AND INDEMNITY SECTION CONTAINS A WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. In consideration of the acceptance of my registration, I hereby act on my behalf of my executors, administrators, heirs, relatives, successors and/or assignees as follows:
- EXONERATED PARTIES. WAIVER, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE to Event Organizers, Event Promoter, Event Producer, Race Director, Event Staff, all Owners, to each Company, Subsidiary and Affiliate, Dealers, Licensees, Owners, Officials, directors, trustees, partners, board members, shareholders, members, supervisors, insurers, agents, employees, volunteers, contractors and representatives and all other persons or entities associated with or involved in this Event, with respect to any and all claims, liabilities, claims or expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs), death, lost property and/or stolen or other losses related to my registration or participation in the activities, negligence, passive or active, any breach by the Parties exempted from legal duty and/or the Use of any equipment, facilities or premises, whatever their cause. I ACCEPT IN ADVANCE MY WAIVER OF ALL CLAIMS I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE AGAINST THE ABOVE PARTIES AND ACCEPT THAT I DO NOT ASSIGN MY PROPERTY/RIGHTS TO HEIRS, WHO DO NOT ASSIGN BENEFICIARIES, SO NO OTHER PERSON MAY ACT ON MY BEHALF, MAKE A CLAIM AGAINST THE PARTIES HEREBY EXONERATED FOR ANY DAMAGE, INJURY, DEATH OR OTHER LOSS THAT MAY BE SUFFERED OR SUFFERED.
HEREBY, INDEMNIFY AND SUSTAIN ("indemnity" means to protect by way of reimbursement and/or payment) the Exempt Parties in respect of each and every claim filed by or on behalf of me, my spouse, a relative, a co-participant ("athlete" "runner") or any other person for any injury, injury, death or other loss related to my registration or participation in the activities, negligence, whether passive or active, of the Exonerated Parties, any breach by the Parties Exempt from legal duties and/or use of any equipment, facilities or premises, whatever their cause.
I understand and agree:
- That if I am signing on as the participant’s legal guardian, I have the legal authority to act for and on behalf of the participant. If my status as guardian/guardian/parental authority is questioned or invalid, I will defend and indemnify the Exonerated Parties to the fullest extent permitted by law and by the provisions of this Form, as if I were the legal guardian of the participant.
- If I wish to withdraw from the Event, or transfer my registration to another distance from the Event or a third party, I will do so myself through my online registration, and the Event-specific cancellation and / or transfer policy will be as detailed on the Event website listed below.
- The registered participant must collect the athlete’s information packets (containing number, shirt, disposable chip) at the scheduled check-in prior to the event, as detailed on the Event website. I hereby acknowledge that photo identification will be required to record and collect my information packet for the participant ("runner" "athlete").
- I authorize staff, representatives, contractors or other medical personnel of the ORGANIZERS to provide me with medical care, to transport me to a medical facility and to provide me with treatment (including but not limited to evacuation, hospitalization, blood transfusions, surgery and medications) deemed necessary for my health. I agree to pay all costs associated with such care and transportation. I agree to the release of any medical information or records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or other purposes (to or by ORGANIZER, insurers, other health care providers and their staff, representatives or contractors). I agree to provide the name and contact phone number of a person who is not a participant in the Event, who may be contacted in the event of an emergency, who will be available during and after the Event.
- I grant the ORGANIZER, its affiliates, designees and assignees the right and permission to photograph, film, record and/ or capture in any medium the name, image, voice, written statement, photograph and/ or visual image of mine and or my family members (collectively "images"), with the right to sub-license, during activities or otherwise, without compensation, for use for any purpose in any medium throughout the world in perpetuity, including but not limited to use in broadcasts, photographs, publications, podcasts, webcasts, movies, brochures, CDs, DVDs, internet websites, social media platforms, television and/ or in any commercial, informative, educational, advertising or promotional material. I understand that all property rights and copyright on the images will be the property of the ORGANIZER and I waive any right of inspection or approval. I understand and agree that my name, bib number (identification) and race results will be available to the public during and after the Event.
- I agree that the ORGANIZER provides my personal data so that when the Photos of the Event are available they can contact me by email to inform me about the availability of them on their website, or Facebook Grupo Publicitario Costa Rcia, and also other third parties interested in matters not related to marketing.
- I agree that my name and contact details are included in the event and ORGANIZER database and that unless otherwise specified, I will be subscribed to several publications related to the ORGANIZER that include a monthly newsletter and other promotional materials about future events. I recognize that I can disable these services at any time. I agree that if I choose not to be included in the Event database I will continue to receive newsletters related to the event in which I have registered. I also agree that it is my responsibility to obtain information and updates of the event on the website of this or the ORGANIZER, (if applicable).
- I agree that, when the Event does not end in the time estimated by THE ORGANIZER for its completion, it will withdraw, without any right to any claim on my part, the goal, assistance positions and support personnel en route (this being not a taxaitva list). Also, that I am not given a medal because I am not a finalist worthy of this, as I do not comply with the route and the estimated time of completion.
- I am fully responsible for the security of my personal belongings at the Event and the ORGANIZER will not be responsible for the replacement of any lost and/or intentionally stolen personal possession.
- THE ORGANIZER reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to expel any participant from the activities, deny or revoke the entry of any applicant at any time, issue special tickets and / or disqualify any participant from the Event. If I am fired or leave for any reason, I agree that I am responsible for all costs of early departure, whether for medical reasons, layoffs, personal emergencies or otherwise. If my application for admission to the event is denied or revoked, I agree that the ORGANIZER is not responsible for the costs incurred or damages suffered by me or my family in excess of the amount of the registration fee. In the event that the ORGANIZER denies or disqualifies any Event participant (before or during the Event), the ORGANISER shall not refund any registration fees to that participant who has falsified his eligibility to participate in the Event at the time of entry or who has breached any of the conditions of this Form.
- THE ORGANIZER, in its sole discretion, may delay, modify or cancel the Event, including the right to alter the advertised course or start time (in its sole discretion). If the Event is delayed, modified or cancelled, including but not limited to acts of God or the elements (including, without limitation, wind, water, rain, hail, hurricane, tornado, earthquake) or actual strike, hardship, work stoppage, insurrection, war, public disaster, flood, unavoidable accident, race conditions, or any other cause beyond the control of the ORGANIZER, there will be no refund of the registration fee or any other costs incurred in connection with the Event.
- This Form is effective as to the registration or participation of athletes in the activities from the date signed through the completion of all activities, and this Form will remain in full force and effect after completing all activities.
- The ORGANIZER may assign this Form to any other entity and/or individual or individuals ( "assignees") at any time, and any assignment will grant assignees all rights and protections granted in this Form.